Complaints Policy
The goals of the in-house procedure are to provide:
- A clear explanation
- An apology where appropriate
- Evidence that steps will be taken to prevent the same thing happening again
Care must be taken to ensure patient confidentiality at all times.
Practice Procedure
- Practice notified of complaint in writing should be directed to the Attn of: Practice Management team (at the surgery address)
- Practice Management establishes contact with complainant as soon as practical (preferably verbally). This should occur within 3 working days and should be followed up by an acknowledgement letter if patient requests this.
- If complainant is amenable to immediate resolution via telephone with practice staff, then Practice Management arranges convenient meeting if necessary.
- Practice Management may provide assistance to complainant in identifying clearly the nature and extent of the complaint.
- To ensure complainant’s case is fully understood, using the complaint’s form, the conversation should be recorded.
- Investigator appointed: Practice Management for administrative matters, Clinician for clinical matters
- Consider discussion with defence organisation if appropriate.
- Investigator makes a factual report to the partnership.
- Investigator makes arrangements to address the complaint with the complainant within an agreed time
- A clear written explanation is provided; this may be a copy of a factual report or letter. Alternatively, with mutual agreement, a meeting set up for all parties involved.
- An apology is given, where appropriate.
- Appropriate expression of sympathy.
- A protocol is instigated to prevent recurrence of the problem, if appropriate.
- Care discussed as a significant event at the next Significant Event meeting.