Other Services
We are pleased to be able to provide the following additional services:
Antenatal and postnatal care is shared between ourselves, the consultant obstetricians and the midwives at the Rosie Maternity Hospital in Cambridge or Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow. Assistance is also provided by the community midwives based at SWCH or Sawston along with the community health visitors.
Our comprehensive family planning service includes oral contraception, injections, coil fitting, hormonal implants and emergency contraception.
Cervical Screening
Our nurses carry out smear tests for women aged between 25 and 65 following invitation from the Health Authority. The test results are posted directly to patients.
Minor Accidents & Emergencies
A doctor or nurse on duty at the surgery may be able to deal with minor accidents during surgery hours, please phone to enquire. Alrternatively there is a minor injury service at Herts & Essex Hospital in Bishop's Stortford (01279 655191 - open 09.00-16.00). More serious accidents should be taken to Addenbrooke's A&E Department.
Minor Illness
Our nurse practitioner is able to deal with many minor illnesses and infections.
Minor Surgery
All our doctors will carry out minor surgery including the removal of moles and other skin lesions. All operations are carried out at our Great Chesterford branch in specific clinics after prior consultation with the doctor.